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Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Having access to quality food should not be a privilege.  

People cannot be free to productively contribute to society if they are imprisoned by hunger and poverty.

Children around the world deserve every opportunity to succeed; with proper nutrition, every child has a chance to reach their optimum physical and intellectual capabilities.

It should not be a privilege to have access to a quality local food source, uninterrupted by political instability or natural disaster.  We also do not believe that the cost of feeding a nation should bear on its financial security. 

Numerous studies have shown the effects of micro-nutrient deficiencies contribute heavily to increased medical problems, birth defects and decreased intellect, especially among the poor who have little access to fresh produce nor can they afford it.  Government funded food assistance programs and foreign food aid are only a temporary solution to perpetual global hunger and food shortages.  Our concept offers one solution to decreasing the American federal deficit and virtually eliminating hunger in the US.

The world has recently seen a flood of poverty and homelessness that shows no signs of retreat.  Many nations suffer the plight of riots, war, and civil unrest due to a lack of basic resources such as food, water, and employment.  In the United States, there has been a massive increase in welfare recipients, overcrowded homeless shelters, and charitable resources are stretched thin.  Humanitarian organizations struggle to keep up with the demand for social services and assistance alongside many nation's financially overburdened government.  

There is a solution that can single-handedly create the domino effect of positive change needed to fix everything...  Charitable Vertical Farming.  Below, you will find information  used to substantiate the Gijoyad Group, Incorporated cause with just a few of the issues we plan to solve through charitable vertical farming. 

We Will Eliminate the U.S. Deficit
The United States spent over $600 billion dollars on public food-related assistance in 2010.  Additionally, $40 billion tax dollars were sent overseas as foreign food aid to a variety of humanitarian organizations. 

Through the success of Gijoyad Group, Incorporated, the United States can save those dollars - and ultimately eliminate the deficit through drastically reduced spending. 

If people living in poverty have free access to the food they need (all year-round) there will be no need to fund public assistance programs like food stamps, WIC or corporate food subsidies.

The cost savings to taxpayers will be the equivalent of handing the United States government a pay raise of epic proportions.  While Congress bickers over saving a few billion over the next decade, charitable vertical farming can create green jobs and save almost 2 trillion in half the time. Social security, military security, education reform, Veteran's services, national infrastructure, renewable energy initiatives, and LOWER TAXES depend on the financial stability of every nation.  Imagine a thriving, debt-free American economy! 
 It can, and will be done.

We Will Feed the World
After spending $600 billion dollars in 2010, over 12 million American children still went to bed hungry.  Over a fourth of all American children live in poverty or homelessness. Charitable organizations are consistently burdened with the need to raise funds to collect, purchase and distribute food.  Many donated food products are nutritionally void, and high in sugars, starch, and/or preservatives.  No child deserves to be hungry. 

The logistics of simply gathering and shipping food to those who need it most can be near impossible.  In the United States, with rising fuel prices - many organizations are limited in the amount of assistance they can provide due to a lack of funding.  Hungry Americans are left with whatever they can scavenge from expired store shelves, or donated rations.  Overseas, the poor and displaced are forced to consume starchy staples with a long shelf-life; many times causing more health problems than solutions.  Combating world hunger has long been a perpetual cycle that threatens the financial stability of every nation.

We Will Reduce Crime
Rioting and civil unrest around the world begins with a lack of resources.  When large populations of people are all suffering for basic life necessities like food, water or employment, violent rioting and crime sprees are born.  It's time to put an end to the cycle.

Poor nutrition is scientifically proven to cause micronutrient deficiencies, which will in most cases cause a variety of psychological and/or physical health problems. If everyone has access to free, quality food, these problems can be avoided for generations to come. 
Research has shown that people are more likely to engage in (sometimes violent) criminal activity when they are: 1) desperate to provide for themselves or their family, 2) emotionally disturbed or psychologically disabled, 3) have a lower cognitive ability, or 4) are the product of a lifetime of malnourishment.  In the United States, the 40% recidivism rate of incarcerated "criminals" is made up of poor, homeless, mentally disabled or intellectually feeble people. 

The state of Wisconsin schools has proven the positive effects of proper nutrition in delinquent youth.  By reforming the school lunch program in an alternative high-school with fresh fruits, vegetables, and hand-prepared meals, school officials noted an 80% decrease in violent incidents and improper behavior.  This study, along with hundreds more, collaborate the ideology that proves nutrition is the key to combating habitual criminal behavior.  Access to quality foods can greatly increase a child's ability to learn and maintain proper emotional health.

(Learn more about the Wisconsin study here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_rph4T9MA4)

Micronutrient deficiencies account for the largest occurrences of depression, psychosis, weakened immunity, poor cognitive abilities, and lack of physical development.  Providing the poor with "something to eat" is not nearly as important as WHAT they are given.  Gijoyad Group provides an alternative to starchy wheat, grains and nutrient-depleted emergency food sources.  Our mission also solves the problems associated with humanitarian corruption, theft of vital resources by militants and rebels in third world countries, and the waste that occurs from expired stored supplies.

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